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Home / Autore / Miranda Gray

Miranda Gray

Miranda Gray, scrittrice del longseller internazionale Luna Rossa – Capire e usare i doni del Ciclo Mestruale e ideatrice delle Carte Luna Rossa – L’oracolo.

Da 30 anni libera professionista e imprenditrice e 30 anni esploratrice del ciclo mestruale e motivatrice dell’empowerment femminile insegna alle donne di tutto il mondo a usare il loro ciclo mestruale in modo positivo, utile e soddisfacente nella loro vita quotidiana, professionale e personale.

Ideatrice e fondatrice nel 2012 delle comunità internazionali delle Moon Mother e della Womb Blessing

Dive into the transformative teachings of Miranda Gray, an inspiring guide in the world of women’s spirituality. Her pioneering work, beginning with the celebrated ‘Red Moon, has helped countless women travel the empowering journey of their menstrual cycle and menopause. Miranda’s profound understanding of the Four Female Archetypes offers a compass for navigating the ebb and flow of feminine energies and living their best possible female life.

Her books are more than just informational, they are invitations to awaken to a life of wellbeing, fulfilment, and profound female empowerment. Her call to action for all women is clear: discover your authentic self and radiate your truth with confidence.

‘You are a woman. You are strong because you are not steady, because the rhythm of change is the rhythm of the universe’.

Miranda Gray

Miranda Gray leads her life in accordance with what she teaches.
She is an artist, multimedia designer, writer and lecturer in alternative and international workshops


Miranda Gray

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